
Thursday, June 12, 2008

car problems... first, and only car is having problems.... :(

actually there's nothing sad about it - it really is my first and only car! I bought it new in May of 96' - a Ford Contour - basic bells or whistles....sometimes i can't believe I'm still driving it!!! lol

I put a little less than half down - had a $200/mo. car pmt. for 4 years....yup...I've been car payment free for 8 years!!!!!!!!!!! and honestly besides the norm. haven't put much into it at all - have done my brakes once....(it's a standard, and I down shift!) within the year my powersteering system was having - about $200 went into the car - now my check engine light is on - emissions system problems - the shop at the corner said it's my cat. converter and sensor - bottom line - just over $1,000 to fix it...... so called Dad :) and spoke with my neighbor --- gonna have someone else take a look - and see about a used part. Now of course being that's it's 12 yrs. old --- and just about to hit 100,000 mi's --- this car owes me nothing!!!! And the big question is ..... what to do. Fix it or not. If I could know after this it would run problem free for atleast a year - I wouldn't even be questioning it. I'm a bit nervous that this is the beginning of the end....although 100,000 is high - it's not that high. And even if I paid $1000 to have it repaired --- it would still not be what a car pmt would be. ..... ???? So what to do???? As I said gonna have someone else take a look - and think on it at the moment.... we can't buy - so we'd have to lease ---- not a thrilling option. If you have any thoughts or suggestions....please :) feel free to pass them along!

Grandma Kathy had a birthday .... 36 ..... lol well that's what Grandpa said.... :) It was hot....but a great day! Ann arrived that am - we got to enjoy one another's co. all day - and had a cook out in grandma's honor that night. Ice cream cake with candles --- and 2 sugar charged kids! lol grandma Kathy cut extra big pieces for all!

It's been so nice having Ann here - she came with the kids and I up to the center we have a membership at - I went and worked out - she took them in the pool and I met up with her when I was done ---- great quality time. The heat has broken...and the whether has been perfection the last two days ---- just in time for the wedding she's in tomorrow. Bill, Kathy - Billy and I are all attending --- Mike (Ann's boyfriend) came in the am. and of course will be going too.

Funny stories:

Quinn: Was being a bit mischievious - and I asked him if he had a brain? and told him I wanted him to use it.... well he must have misunderstood me...and with a confused look on his face said...."If you don't want me to use my bones....then I WON'T USE MY BONES!" ---- we both started laughing - and I explained that wasn't what I meant. This is the standing joke b/w the two of us now - he breaks it out here and there and cracks up -- and loves when he makes me laugh too!

This one a bit personal - and I half cringe at the idea of sharing it...but will for your enjoyment! lol
Quinn told Kathy that he was afraid "Mommy's boobies were going to fall off....." ok - so when Billy started telling me this....I almost teared up! Those ladies that have nursed babies know that things just don't return to normal after nursing... When i talked to him about it, and asked him why he thought that...he told me "because there were little pieces all over the floor - and they were mushy....." ????? thought is he had a dream....but dream or not - the idea of my 3 1/2 yr. old worrying about my breasts falling off.... it's just hard to swallow!!!! are you laughing???? go ahead - but don't tell me! ;)


Saying many adorable things ---- "watch this" "look at me" "how are you?" very cute
She also has noticed her "pee-pee" ---- she has even asked to "see it" when I'm changing her diaper ---- at the same time she's very aware of when her diaper is wet --- and doesn't like it - she often will cry - asks for a "new one" or will just pull it off. So the pre-potty training signs are appearing! Today she was outside with our close friend's son --- and had stripped the diaper off --- she had her dress pulled up to her neck - and was arching her back a bit --- Trey had his hands on his knees and was taking a look...... AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!! So it begins!!!!!! I think most families have a few good stories like this! We apparhently seem to be in sync as a family --- both my kids are thinking a bit too much about private parts!!! lol

will post a few pic's in th next few days - be sure to check back!
xxoo genine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think I have laughed so hard reading your blog! Sorry about the boobs...I feel for ya! Love you!! Aunt Drea

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Quinn is quite original with his thoughts. Oh my God! My mouth dropped. How he ever came up with that! Kiera is infatuated. Like you said, so it begins.

xxoo mommie

1:17 PM  

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