
Monday, August 27, 2007

"...we could play trucks in lime...would that be a good idea?"

thought this gives you the overall idea.... ;) lime wasn't a typo by the way...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

a few cute ones!

quinn and lauren - these two were covered in ice cream - we broke out the hose, stripped them down, and they ran and giggled - so cute...
gotta just love little girls in dresses......
we love our mam- mam....quinn recently painted her a picture and sent it "all by myself" - to his dear great grandmakeira's first "pretty" she loves my necklaces etc. - grandpa gene and debbie bought this for her for her birthday - couldn't have been a more perfect gift she loves it - and knows exactly what you mean when you ask - "where's your pretty keira?"

i love that my kids are getting time with my grandmother - it melts my heart
don't know what it is....something similar here isn't there??? according to john kelly (andrea's boyfriend ;) ) - keira is "little lucy"
hope you're all doing well - xxooo genine

Saturday, August 18, 2007

a few from the shoot

i love this first one... :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More good news!

Hey there - well your postive vibes must be working!!!!!!!! Think i mentioned i was doing a photo session for my dentist - a bit of a sad story - him and his wife divorced and she took their 3 boys with her back to France... :( - he goes out multiple times a year, and the boys came home for the a parent i can't imagine how hard it must be to have your children away from wasn't what he wanted ---- well they've had a nice summer, and he also had a big family reunion with his mom/dad, sister/husband/daughter, brother/daughter - he said it was the first time they had all been together at the same he planned our shoot around that. Well they liked what they saw, and he just placed an order for $600!!! I'm obviously thrilled about the money - as next months bills are now paid ;) , but am almost as tickled by the idea that i captured some of these moments for him and his family, my heart aches a bit at the thought of him looking at them, especially the ones of his boys once they leave....

So keep those good vibes coming!!!!

Here are a few from the 80th birthday - i'll post some from this other shoot as soon as i get some processed.

xxoo genine
ps- also have some really cute pic's from our trip to Rochester - check back soon!!!!!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Photography news...:)

just wanted to share that i did an 80 th surprise birthday party about a week ago - just receieved their order - total was $650.....yyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

have another shoot tomorrow evening - w/my dentist and his children, as well as extended family - should be another opportunity to make some good money!

keep sending those positive vibes!

xxoo genine ps - i'll post a few pic's from the 80 th shoot soon...

Monday, August 06, 2007

more birthday pic's

what a face...she lllloooooovvvvveeeeessss ice cream!!! ;)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Happy Birthday Keira Rose!

Only have a minute - but wanted to share a picture with you from the party...oh she loved the balloons!!! The day couldn't have been more perfect, from the weather to our wonderful was a great celebration. Keira's party started at 4 - dinner was served just after: pulled pork/cole slaw/grilled veggies w/feta & fresh basil/tossed salad/canalope - and homemade ice cream cake for dessert! Just uploaded the pictures, will need to convert to web files and will post more for you to see. Another very big thank you to everyone who came, for your company, your help, and beautiful gifts for our little "baby doll" - xxoo genine

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