
Sunday, August 26, 2007

a few cute ones!

quinn and lauren - these two were covered in ice cream - we broke out the hose, stripped them down, and they ran and giggled - so cute...
gotta just love little girls in dresses......
we love our mam- mam....quinn recently painted her a picture and sent it "all by myself" - to his dear great grandmakeira's first "pretty" she loves my necklaces etc. - grandpa gene and debbie bought this for her for her birthday - couldn't have been a more perfect gift she loves it - and knows exactly what you mean when you ask - "where's your pretty keira?"

i love that my kids are getting time with my grandmother - it melts my heart
don't know what it is....something similar here isn't there??? according to john kelly (andrea's boyfriend ;) ) - keira is "little lucy"
hope you're all doing well - xxooo genine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Genine, that was such a beautiful weekend. Mam Mam loved seeing the grand babies and of course you and Billy.

Quinn's picture is on Mam Mam's refrigerator. I love looking at it when I am there!

Nonna (mommie)

4:02 PM  

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