
Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Keira had her 2 mo. check up yesterday and gained 11oz. in a week!!! Dr. Brand was very happy - as was I!!! The nurse probably thinks I'm a bit kooky - as I cheered..(yes outloud) when she reported 10lbs.11oz. - this puts her back up into the 50-75 percentile for weight. She was 22 " long - 50th percentile , and 25th percentile for head size. My kids will never be able to find hats that fit them right...agh poor things...that comes from me!!! The only down side of her apt. was that she had 4 shots...ouch!! I don't know how they don't hit the bone...the needles are soooo long. Speaking of - any thoughts on "to vaccinate" or "not to vaccinate". ?

She's doing great - happy and smiling!!! We love it.

Quinn is getting bigger by the day - his language development is amazing. We've also become a bit more strict with our boundaries - what do you know - it's working!! You'd think a teacher would have thought of that earlier!!

Life is good at the Gullickson's - hoping it is at your homes too!
xoxoxo genine


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