
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

hangin' in there...

A few pictures I thought you would like! Keira had a weight check today - she's only gained 5 oz. over the last almost 2 wks...very surprising to me, and quite disappointing. However, her Dr. said he believes she's doing fine - happier, and gaining weight. He believes some of it may be her genetic disposition...some of it her reflux. Past few days she hadn't eaten as well - more swallowing, and more irritable than she had been. So - we went in just to stay on top of things. By no means was she acting any where near how she was - a good sign. He adjusted her one medication (Reglan) to her new weight, and we'll see him for her full 2 month check up next week. He assured me that he does not anticipate, nor should there be a set back to the point we started from . Hard to trust that I guess - it really has been a difficult time. But, I'm trying to take deep confident and hopeful that she will continue to do well, and outgrow this. She's changing so much - more and more people say she really is starting to look like her big brother! Speaking of - what a smart boy I have...he knows when mommy is busy and he can get away with things....aaaggghhh the terrible two's. If we keep him stimulated, he tends to do better - loves "mowing" - he also gets in his red car and says "BYE" - he's going to work and will be back soon. When asked - he says he "Picks apples" for work....cute hu???
love to you all - genine


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