
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

still hoping...

Just a quick note - Keira gained 5 oz over the last 8 days - a little below average; but still ok. (they like to see an oz./day). This small weight gain doesn't allow the Dr. to do any med. adjustments - and since she began showing symptoms again - he said that means it's not the right med. for her. She's now been put on Previcid...(sp??) instead of the Prilosec. The reason they don't start with that is because it can not be adjusted based off their weight. She takes a 15mg tablet dissolved in water 1/day. Still on the Reglan to move the milk out of her tummy and into her intestines. Again, Dr. Brand was very sympathetic, and shared more of his struggles with his own daughter. She too ended up on Previcid - and was off all med's by 7 months. He's confident that this will work for Keira - but did need to remind me that if we don't get results - more testing would be needed to look closer at the functioning of her sphynkter ( sorry I have NO idea how to spell that and can't be bothered to look it up...) muscle - that can sometimes lead to a decision for surgery. Even though he said he doesn't believe we'll need to go that route...still very disturbing to hear. He also confirmed that this resurfacing of symptoms does happen in some kids as they grow. Again, not really what I was hoping for. So - we'll see how it goes. In the meantime I'm taking Keira to see a Pediatric Chiropractor. Too long of a story to get into the specifics, but they 'll take a look at her to see if there seems to be a problem with her nervous system delivering the right messages to the body. They can do fingertip - gentle adjustments - and had some wonderful success stories to share. Sometimes even the trauma of birth can put them out of allignment just a bit to throw off other things. They see babies as young as days old. I know it won't hurt - and it may or may not help - the chance that it could is worth it. We just want her well and happy. Her apt. for that is today @ 2:20 - we'll be in touch when we can. Think you can access info. on this type of treatment at
xoxox genine


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