
Friday, September 22, 2006


Today will be the 4th day on Prevacid - inconsistent behavior and improvements from her. A few smiles yesterday - but also a terrible screaming/pain/swallowing fit last evening. Hoping that it will begin to really kick in and she'll improve. Calling Dr. Brand to talk with him as he asked, today - and will be taking Keira for her first 'adjustment' Monday afternoon. This is a very difficult time for us - as those of you have have seen/heard in our conversations. Please keep us in your prayers - for Keira to be healthy - for the medicine to work - for our house to settle - and for peaceful days. Thank you again for all of your support. One last note, please know we appreciate all of your calls. Quinn tends to act up when I/Billy get on the phone, and with very few calm moments - we just don't always have the time to answer the phone or get back to you. Thank you for understanding.
xoxo genine


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