
Friday, October 20, 2006

Some great news!

Keira has been off of Reglan for 4 days and is doing great!!! It came about in an unsettling way - basically we found out there can be some bad side effects. Rare - but not what you'd like to happen. Too long of a story to get into all of the details, but it can produce Parkinson like symptoms - drug induced of course, but inconsistent data on whether they always go away once the drug is stopped. A bit scary - ok a lot scary!! Spoke w/ her Dr. about how uncomfortable we were - and he ok'd her coming off of it. Again - too much to the story to get into it all - we're happy and she's doing great. Her Prevacid script was also cut in half about a week ago - so all wonderful signs! Still seeing the chiropractor - amazing that Keira can be fussing, and within a few minutes she's relaxed and quiet...I really didn't know anything about that field until all of this began - very interesting!


Blogger Andrea Caccamise said...

Hooray!!! So glad to hear the good news! Now we just need to find you an easy solution to get Quinn thru the teething of his 2nd Year molars....

7:24 AM  

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