
Thursday, September 07, 2006

health update...

I feel like a yo-yo... After thinking things were going well - it has all gone haywire again...Keira is back to her crying and I can actually hear her swallowing, and milk coming back up in her throat. I'd been wanting to change ped's - and decided this is the time to do it. The office I was at had ...6 Dr.'s - and although you can designate your primary and request, I never seemed to be able to see who I wanted. So, rather than go back and see a 3rd Dr. - I've switched offices. A very good friend of mine recommended him - He's listed in a group practice, but is the only Pediatric Dr. - so if you're his patient - you see him. No more being pushed to who ever is available. I so loved that about my Dr.'s growing up - and especially Dr. Potter as my adult Dr. - hope this man and office will restore that comfort. My friend who recommended him also had acid reflux problems with her son. He was having such a tough time, he wasn't gaining weight and was titled "failure to thrive" - they were ready to take him to a children's hospital b/c her Dr. couldn't find the cause. She switched to Dr. Brand - and he backed up - did more through test, and easily cured the reflux issue. He's a beautiful happy baby!!! S0000 - as much as I'm dreading tonight - I'm anxious to meet him tomorrow and to get Keira on the road to feeling better and being able to be what she should be...happy. Keep your fingers crossed.


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