
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Some funny lines...

Quinn has really been taking leaps and bounds w/his language development. Most of the time we can figure out what he's telling us - and his "Nope..." let's us know we didn't get it right. A few funny stories...

*Quinn "helped" me give Keira her bath last night - we all ended up soaked by the end! Billy soon after, took Quinn up for his normal bed-time routine. (Quinn had sweatpants on from his afternoon nap) - Billy changed his diaper and went to put the sweatpants back on for PJ's - he said Quinn was saying something, but he wasn't sure what, (and probably wasn't listening all that close). As Billy started pulling on the pants, he said "Quinn you can't wear these they're all wet buddy." - he said Quinn held up his pointer finger, waved it and said..."I told you so Daddy! I told you so!!"

*Asking for a book to bring to bed, I kept hearing Quinn say something - and kept having him repeat it as I couldn't understand him. After many "Nopes" and repeats of the SAME word - I gave up and grabbed two books off his shelf for him to pick from. He saw "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" - grabbed it and said..."Caterpillar one - that's what I talk about Mommy! "

*Billy has asked me not to disclose the actual words - but Quinn picked up on a curse phrase that tends to make it's way out of Billy's mouth when things aren't going well! We'd been trying to ignore it - hoping he'd stop saying it as he got no reaction to it. No go on that one. He said it at the dinner table after accidentally getting ketchup on his hand. I looked at him and said "I don't like that Quinn - we don't say that." He looked at me, and then at Billy - with his eyebrows raised said - "Daddy says that - Daddy likes that!!" Billy replied, "I think he just called me out."

*When asked if he'd like to try to go on the potty today - he says "Nope - tomorrow!"

*When asked if he went poop, he often answers "No - I"m fine, I just tute-tuted".

*When he does go - he says "Mom/Daddy I got poops - change em?? change my diaper??"

*Other funny phrases: I'm so happy now! Oh - sure - of course I can! I can't like that. What's the matter? It's okay honey Mommy's right here (talking to Keira). Great idea! I can do it all by by my myself...think he gets caught switching initial consonants on that one!

And of course not to leave out our little one - Keira is approaching 6 months - hard to believe. She's doing great - smiling all the time, laughing, squealing at times and looks to her big brother with eyes that melt your heart!

love you all - genine


Blogger Andrea Caccamise said...

How hilarious! I was laughing out loud at work! I wish we lived closer so I could just pop over whenever I could. And this weather isn't helping planning a road trip... :( Miss you all and sending lots of hugs and kisses your way!!

10:51 AM  
Blogger Colorsonmymind said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He speaks so well-I know I tell you how smart he is all the time-but he really is.

Keira is very precious too. Her smiles melt me.


1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quinn is soo smart and keeps us laughing when we vist .we cant wait until keira starts talking..her singing now is just too cute bill n kathy

8:50 AM  

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