
Monday, June 18, 2007

We've got teeth!

Just wanted to announce that Keira's two bottom teeth have FINALLY cut through!!!! Hopefully that saying that the later you get your teeth the better they'll be...will hold true for her!!! Also, she's scooting around...not crawling, but scooting on her buns!!! too funny, she still cries when on her belly - no interest in crawling...honestly, don't think she'll even do it - pulling herself to standing when holding our fingers - she may skip crawling and go right on to walking! She's also snugglin' up a storm - Billy and i love it!

Quinn is getting bigger too - how fast he's changing, and how smart he's becoming! He likes saying, "i thought so" and "probably" - also asks " who's coming over today mom?" as he thinks visiting friends are just suppose to be part of the schedule!!! :) Trying to combat this fight for attention he seems to be going through - a lot of screaming - just random screams/not crying and bad behavior to get our attention...any thoughts or suggestions????

love to all - genine


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At the wedding we went to Saturday a kid started screaming durng the toast, the parents didn't know what to do so she gave him her remaining half a glass of white wine. He shut up and a little while later was asleep! Works for some people! :)
~Future sis ;)

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

she does look cute when she scoots and spins..and always looking for her big brother!
love you!
Aunt Drea

7:29 AM  

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