
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Are you out there???

Actually, we know that you're out there reading our posts (we have a counter that tells who visits) - so what's the excuse? No comments??? I've been joking w/Billy that I may have to start tempting you pictures!!! AAAGGGHHHH - just kidding, but I do have to say, we check our blog daily, if not multiple times a day - always in hope of a comment or two. There hasn't been anything there for quite some time! A bit disappointing...

Some good news to share!

  • Keira is off her medication and doing great! We're going on about 2 wks. - she's doing wonderful! We couldn't be happier for her, that she has outgrown her acid reflux! She's a delight - sweet, content, smiley, a pure joy, loves her brother to pieces, has nothing but smiles for Daddy, and of course is a Mommy's girl. I love it!!!
  • Quinn has gone poopie on the potty 2 days in a row! He'd been fighting the whole idea - even w/jelly bean bribes...I know- not a good idea to bribe, and especially w/candy! So, after many attempts, a few wet pants - he has told me when he's had to go the last 2 days!!! He gets very excited to hear the "pop" - sound when it hits the water; and loves telling it to go swimming, and he'll see them soon! No luck w/pee-pee yet, but hopefully he's getting the idea and continues to be happy about it!
  • Keira is sitting up on her own - hardly falls anymore; waving occasionally and snuggles into me with her head! So very cute... No teeth yet - drooling like she's getting a mouth full of teeth any day!
  • Quinn seems to be letting go of his vegetarian mode...sorry Annie! He's eaten roasted chicken, tuna fish, and even a few little bites of steak - big improvement from the past spitting out of any meat that passed his lips -
  • Quinn told me he had to nurse his baby (toy doll) went over to his elmo chair lifted his shirt and began to feed him...within a minute, he yelled..."Ow!! Don't bite me baby - that hurts!" - Keira bit me the yesterday....obviously it made quite an impression on him!

love to you all - genine & billy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there!
So glad Keira is doing well! She is growing and chaning so quickly - a little cutie pie!
And Quinn...poops in the potty! YAHOO!!! I think a few more times of having we pants and maybe it will be 100% of the time!
Love you!

11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Genine, I can picture Quinn saying "See you later" to his poops. Just like you, "Bye bye poopie". He is actually doing quite well if he is willing to sit on the pottie. Boys train around 3. Pee pee will eventually come.

Keira is getting so big and she is so beautiful. Can hardly wait to hear that her teeth have finally come in.

I miss my babies terribly. I just want to hug and kiss them when I see pictures.

Love Nonna

7:43 AM  

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